How to Crush the Luxury Home Market with Hans Struzyna

My guest today is Hans Struzyna. Hans works on the #1 team for luxury real estate in the East Bay of the San Francisco Area. He has personally closed over $100 million in volume in the last 4 years. Hans is also a former member of the Olympic Rowing Team and has been featured on Fox, ABC, NBC, and CBS.


We begin the episode with Hans sharing his background story and how he ended up in real estate. Hans is originally from the Pacific Northwest. He grew up in Seattle and he went to the University of Washington. As a sophomore in high school, he discovered rowing, a very popular sport in the Seattle area, and he made the Olympic team while attending the University of Washington. He then moved to California to train with a high-performance team in the Bay Area and long story short, he made his way to Rio in 2016 where he competed with his team, placing fourth overall. Hans refers to that experience as his first (unpaid) career. After his rowing career was over, he jumped straight into real estate. He got his license and eventually joined the team where he’s at right now, dealing in the luxury home market. 


We then talk about the effect of being in sports at some point in your life and how that can manifest itself later in life, especially career-wise. As a former Olympic athlete, Hans shares that being in sports is a great place to start learning about teamwork, dedication and being intentional and consistent. He believes all of these things have tremendous value in business. Another positive consequence of being in sports is developing an ability to be coachable and understanding that coaching is necessary to get you better. But, Hans also points out that, when you're picking a coach or you're taking advice, you have to be very careful of whose advice you take and why you're taking it. This will help you avoid the shiny object syndrome and being all over the place with little to no results. 


Next, we talk about how and why Hans settled on the luxury market. Hans shares that when he first got into real estate, he was in short sales and foreclosures, cold calling two hours a day. In his first year, he got nine deals and felt like he wasn’t being valued enough because all that people cared about was not getting foreclosed on. Also, he realized that the middle tier and the low tier price points were being taken over by technology, so he decided to go where technology isn’t, which is the luxury home market. According to Hans, the luxury market is all about high-touch, high-value transactions, where you have to build relationships, build skill sets, and build a reputation that you are someone who can get it done and do it at an incredibly high level, which was exactly what he wanted. 


Lastly, we talk about Hans’ Luxury Market Workshop and some of the key components that people can take away from it. He explains that he first starts off with more practical things, like how to identify the luxury market and your brand and then he dives into how you can mold that in a way that speaks to your client, to the person who is seeking that representation and that clarity in the market. Hans’ workshop comes with seven live group coaching sessions that are held once per week, a step-by-step guide of how to identify your high-end market and your unique place in it, resources to help you plan, prepare and present your brand at all points of your career, a private Facebook group to connect and network with like-minded individuals, and a weekly live Q&A session to address all of your specific questions directly with Hans. 


Make sure you don’t miss this incredible episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast with the amazing Hans Struzyna and learn how to grow your business in the luxury home market!

Notable Quotes:


“It's all about the teamwork, the soft skills as well as the actual physical skills of showing up to practice or rehearsals or whatever. And I think all of that has tremendous value in business and definitely in real estate as well.”

  • Hans Struzyna  


“Probably the single biggest benefit of having been in sports at some point is your ability to take coaching and understand that coaching is necessary to get you better.”

  • Mike Simmons 


“When you're picking a coach, or you're taking advice, you have to be very careful of whose advice you take and why you're taking it.”

  • Hans Struzyna


“I was thinking  - well, if technology is going to try and take that middle and that lower tier, I need to go where the technology isn't.”

  • Hans Struzyna


“I have a process that if you go the extra mile with me and educate yourself and let me guide you, I will spare you a lot of the insanity.”

  • Hans Struzyna


“If you can build the base, the foundation of your offering, articulate it and then deliver upon it, that is how you build longevity in a marketplace and you build relationships. ”

  • Hans Struzyna


“If you get clear on what you're actually trying to do, and then identify a couple of people who can help you get there or you can model off of, you will tee yourself up for success. Nothing in this industry is complicated or rocket science, but it's all about consistency and execution. If you can nail those things and be a sponge and learn, you will have tremendous success in the long run.”

  • Hans Struzyna


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