Developing a Winning Mindset with Rod Khleif

On today’s episode of Just Start Real Estate, I have the pleasure of talking with entrepreneur Rod Khleif. Rod has worked in real estate since the early 1980s, inspired by his mother. He was born in the Netherlands and migrated with his family to Denver at the age of six, and for their first few years in the States, the family struggled to make ends meet. However, his mother was thrifty and forward-thinking, earning money from babysitting that she then invested into stocks and eventually into property, despite having no formal background in finance or real estate. Rod followed his mom’s example and got his real estate license in 1978. 


In his first two years as a real estate agent, Rod made enough money to get by, but in his third year, his income rocketed to over $100,000. He was able to achieve this by adjusting his mindset around wealth and earnings. However, he suffered during the 2008 recession, losing $50 million in that year alone. He was able to bounce back and today he helps others to build themselves up from nothing


One of the first strategies that Rod deployed to get back on his feet after the 2008 crash was reassociating himself with what he wanted. He realigned himself with what his goals were and why he wanted to achieve them. Secondly, he also changed his focus to concentrate on his goals, ignoring anything that didn’t help him to achieve his objective.  


Next, Rod walks me through his goal-setting strategy. His technique begins by selecting his goal-setting time carefully; he recommends choosing an hour in the day when you’re naturally full of energy. In this hour, Rod asks that you sit down and write all the things that you want in life, from houses to cars to jetskis to private islands, letting your imagination run wild and never stopping to question what comes out. Once you’ve written down everything you can possibly think of, large and small, you start writing the list of the things you want to do in your life, such as places you want to visit, bucket list items you want to achieve and so on. You should also write down everything you want to learn, like foreign languages or college degrees. Lastly, you write down the people that you want to help


The next step to Rod’s goal setting technique is to add a time limit to each goal, without overthinking the limit that you assign. Then from that list, select your number one goal, the thing that you want to achieve the most out of everything, and write it on a separate piece of paper. You then need to select your top three goals that you can achieve in one year, and add them to the paper with your top goal. For each of these four goals, write down why you want to achieve that goal, using emotionally charged language. You should also write down what would happen if you don’t achieve these goals, not being afraid to dig a little into the pain. Afterward, find images that represent these goals to keep around you, so that you’re constantly reminded to achieve them. 


Rod also emphasizes that happiness doesn’t come from goals, it’s about overall progress and growth. It’s important to celebrate achieving a goal, but you should always have something lined up behind the goal so that you keep moving forwards. He also makes an effort to help others and reach out to people in need and encourages everyone to do the same, regardless of their income level.  


Stay tuned to the end of the podcast to get Rod’s exclusive promo code to make incredible savings on his three-day Orlando seminar, and to receive a load of his other courses at a hugely discounted price! What a pleasure to have such a generous and successful real estate investor such as Rod Khleif on the Just Start Real Estate Podcast!  

Notable Quotes:


“80-90% of your success in anything in your mindset and your psychology.”

  • Rod Khleif


“Peer group is so frickin’ important. You want to be around people that encourage you, validate you, push you, who aren’t afraid of your success, aren’t jealous of your success, and who aren’t going to hold you back”

  • Rod Khleif


“If you’re listening to Mike, you’re a leader. There’s no question that you’re a leader. And right now more than ever, the world needs leaders.”

  • Rod Khleif


“Take the limits off yourself. There’s nothing you can’t do, be, or have”

  • Rod Khleif


“It’s never about the goals, it’s about creating that burning desire so that you get your butt up early, you stay up late, you work a Saturday, you grind for a few years like most people won’t, so you live the rest of your life like most people can’t.” 

  • Rod Khleif


“As human beings, we will overestimate what we can do in a year, and massively underestimate what we can do in five, ten, twenty years”

  • Rod Khleif


“There’s a reason that the acronym for belief systems is BS, because 99% of them are just that: BS.”

  • Rod Khleif


“The most successful people on the planet add the most value.”

  • Rod Khleif


“Don’t be in the same place you are in a year from now, unless you love where you are right now.”

  • Rod Khleif


“Don’t tell me that you’re going to give back when you get money. Find a cause that you care about, that juices you, and do something right now. We’ve been taught to achieve to be happy, and if you give back, you’ll be happily achieving, and the success will come faster.”

  • Rod Khleif



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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months

If you want to attend Rod Khleif’s 3-day seminar in Orlando, Florida, from December 3rd to 5th 2021, text ‘MULTIFAMILY’ to 72345, including the promo code ‘ROD FRIEND’. This code will give you:


  • Access to the seminar
  • Rod’s 8-module ‘Courage and Confidence’ course
  • Rod’s 10-module ‘Finding Deals’ course


All for only $197!