How To Overcome Fear and Doubt to Create the Life You Desire with Natalie Sisson

Today, I have the pleasure to interview Natalie Sisson, the founder of Suitcase Entrepreneurs, host of the UNTAPPED Podcast, bestselling author, sought-after speaker, and business coach listed on 2021 Cashflow Podcasting’s Top 13 Women’s Business Coaches Today. Natalie is also a contributor to Thrive, Forbes, and Lifehack, and she has been featured on many publications and media outlets, including 60 Minutes, Yahoo Finance, Huffington Post, and Daily Mail. Her mission is to help women entrepreneurs leverage their unique set of skills, knowledge, and experience to get paid to be them and get the income and impact they desire simply by being exactly who they are. 


Natalie first shares her career backstory and how she got into entrepreneurship. Her career started in recruitment and marketing before moving to London. She worked with big international companies and got into what she relates as her dream job as the head of preposition development for the British Medical Association. She started a new department aimed at introducing doctors to entrepreneurism to help them build their services. Natalie soon realized that the job was sucking the life out of her creativity, and she was blocked from exercising her full potential. She didn’t want to feel miserable and decided to leave the corporate career to build something on her own.  


We then talk about house hacking, a real estate investing strategy through which investors earn income by renting out primary residences and selling the property for a profit. Natalie explains how she bought a property to live in, rented it out, and later sold out her shares after moving to Canada. Also, five years ago, she bought another property in Belton in New Zealand and followed the same model.


Natalie explains her pursuits after ditching her career and going back to Canada. Her initial plan was to build a consultation platform for health and wellness to help big corporations decrease the number of sick days their employees take by creating happier and healthier employees. Her breakthrough came in a networking event where she met her current business partner. She got hooked up to his business, which assisted sports teams, fundraisers, and political candidates to easily raise and collect money on Facebook. Natalie worked there for about 18 months before moving out to work on her growing women’s blog that she had initiated to feature high-standing women who were doing great things in their business. The blog became popular, and she decided to build it into a business.


We then move into the mindset that hinders people from pursuing their desires and how Natalie helps people align themself with success and pursue what they love. Natalie explains her guiding principles in motivating people to see the big picture of where they want to be in order to take massive action toward their dreams. In her journey, she also realized that not everybody is in a position to quit their job and go for it, and she has been helping such people build their side hustle up to a level where they’re comfortable quitting their job to do what inspires them. 


Lastly, we talk about Natalie’s book, Suck It Up Princess which she devised last year in a situation that she found herself torn and feeling sorry for herself despite great achievements. From her experience, Natalie suggests that sometimes we need self-compassion, and we need to go easy on ourselves and acknowledge that we need rest and to refresh and renew our energy. The book focuses on health, motivation, and inspiration, and it’s filled with personal stories in different areas such as love and relationships, an area she never thought of writing about before. Natalie explains that the book is for women in careers and entrepreneurship who are wondering whether there is something better for them to help them develop the right mindset, habits, and strategies to get rid of their inner critics, impostorism, doubt, and fears to be the best version of themselves and live abundantly.


Don’t miss this informative and power-packed episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast with Natalie Sisson, and learn how to get over your excuses, do the unexpected, live your life on your own terms, and make money just by being you!


Notable Quotes:

“Do I want to wake up for the rest of my life, do the commute, the hustle, and the grid? No, I want to do something better.”

  • Natalie Sisson


“You should never have a backup plan; if you feel that this is something you want to do and change your life, you have to go in wholly and give it your best shot.” 

  • Natalie Sisson


“Sometimes you need self-compassion and grace; go easy on yourself and acknowledge that you need some rest or some time out.”

  • Natalie Sisson 


“Going after what you want is the biggest thing in life.”

  • Mike Simons


“There are different horrors in the entrepreneurship journey, but the first one is getting off your butt and getting started.”

  • Mike Simmons



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Suitcase Entrepreneur

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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months