Live Q&A - Diversifying Your Investments, How to Maximize Profits, Developing a Growth Mindset, and How to Get Funding for Your Deals

Welcome to this version of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast! I am excited to bring you another replay of my Facebook Live Question and Answer sessions. I just started doing these live forums in April and they are going so well and I am getting such great feedback and questions, I thought I would share them here on the podcast. Especially for those people that are unable to join us live, this will provide an opportunity to hear the awesome questions I am fielding about business, taking risks, real estate, and so much more! Some of the questions have been very real estate specific, but others have been general business questions, like asking about overcoming fear in order to get started and how to successfully scale. I have also received more personal questions like how I decided real estate investing was right for me and the steps I took to get my business off the ground.


This presentation is the live Q&A that I did on August 11th and each week on Thursday we will offer you another chance to take advantage of listening to the answers to our guests’ fabulous and compelling questions! Don’t miss this new episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast!

Notable Quotes:


“When looking at a possible property to buy as an investment, you want to make sure you can add value to it.”


“A couple of the biggest things that take away from the profitability of a landlord are turnover and vacancies.”


“Another way to maximize profits on a rental is to really renovate it when you buy it.”


“You can only get top-of-the-market rent if you have a top-of-the-market product.”


“The best way to maximize profits is to buy right.”


“One of the mistakes people make is they put a house on the market, they get a decent offer and they just take it. You should do at least a week, if not two, of showings before you accept any offers.”


“Pay yourself a reasonable salary and leave the rest in the company.”


“I learned how to build a business and then pumped most of my profits into marketing. My business skyrocketed.”


“The people I know that are successful are hard on themselves.”


“Making mistakes is part of the process.”


“Failing is learning.”


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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months