Why Sales is Critical in Creating Generational Wealth with Anthony Eisenman

Today’s guest is Anthony Eisenman, who works in enterprise sales for Fortune 100 companies. Eisenman grew up in a single-parent family and felt that more traditional career paths were closed off to him but was attracted to the idea of working in sales because of the possibility of being paid for his performance via commission. Through hard work and diligence, he leveraged himself into a position of owning stock options in major corporations and has built up his own brand to teach others his methods. 


Mike and Anthony begin by discussing how to increase your income. Eisenman’s first piece of advice, particularly for those who currently only work for one organization and who may have a fixed income, is to negotiate with your employer to be paid based on performance. Although this brings an element of risk, Eisenman underlines that this will give you the opportunity to prove your value to the organization. Once your value has been demonstrated through excellent performance, you are then in a better position to negotiate for greater rewards, including equity. 


Anthony then outlines his checklist of systems to put in place before creating multiple streams of income or pursuing a passion project. Firstly, it is important to ensure that you are excelling in your primary source of income, meaning that you have maximized your earning capacity in this role. Secondly, this role should operate like a well-oiled machine with a firm system and defined processes in place, giving you the capacity to open yourself up to investing time and energy into other sources of income.


When launching a secondary revenue stream, Anthony highlights the possibility of receiving pushback from your company or entourage. When he began to work for himself, colleagues questioned his commitment to his job and his time management capacity. However, Anthony ensured that he continued to achieve highly so that his performance and production would speak for itself. 


Anthony then deep dives into his personal motivation to achieve. Whilst he used to be motivated by his ego and the idea of proving people wrong, today he is more inspired by the idea of creating a legacy for his family to give his children the comforts he never had. The memories of his former financial struggles have stayed with him and continue to push him forward. Mike also affirms how the fear of failure can be a strong push factor towards achieving financial success, since a push away from financial hardship can be just as strong a motivator as the pull factor of the desire to earn wealth for your family.


Mike then questions Anthony about the steps that he took to build his brand, and Anthony explains that the first step that he took was to invest in coaching to learn about real estate and to create a personal brand. Initially his goals for his side businesses were low as he wasn’t under pressure to achieve immediately, and this allowed him to develop and grow gradually. Anthony chose to add a short-term real estate business to his portfolio as a way to involve his family in his business, as his wife could take over the furnishing and property management aspect of the business and in the long term, his children may also become involved with property management too. 


Lastly, the conversation turns to Anthony’s personal brand, which aims to help people improve their sales strategies to earn the income they deserve. He has numerous books and coaching products covering topics from cold calls to the art of persuasion to the blueprint to wealth creation. These resources represent a philosophy of lifelong learning in order to improve yourself and your position in life. No matter what stage you’re at, there is always room to grow and learn and those who don’t take that opportunity will stagnate. 


Don’t miss this enlightening episode of Just Start Real Estate, and stay tuned to the end to find out how to get free learning resources from Anthony Eisenman so that you can learn his secrets to success!

Notable Quotes:


“If you can prove yourself by being paid based on your performance, you’re going to earn a higher income and have a higher ceiling, and you can prove yourself to be valuable.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“Don’t ever be afraid to lose what you have now in order to gain even more.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“I did get pushback internally from my organization and it just made me press the gas that much harder.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“Everybody deserves to do some things they’re passionate about on the side. You don’t have to dedicate 110% to your organization. You can have some time to do some things on your own.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“If you get lazy, then your goals aren’t big enough.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“Part of my motivation, aside from my family, is fear of failure.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Once I make a decision to do something, I take action right away.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“The people that get over the hump and don’t quit are the people that make it.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“I don’t need the plan, I just need the next actionable step. The plan will unfold as you take action.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“The short-term rental game is great because you can get into it in so many different ways.”

  • Anthony Eisenman


“If you’re not consuming information to try to better yourself, I hope you love exactly where you are right now because that’s where you will be in 20 years.”

  • Mike Simmons



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