The Key to Winning As a Realtor in Today's Market

My guest in today’s episode is a highly successful realtor, Josh Anderson. Josh is a top Real Estate Consultant in Nashville and owner of The Anderson Group Real Estate Services. He first came into the real estate business 15 years ago and he closed last year with over $135 million dollars in real estate sold. He has been a guest on several popular shows such as Hiban Digital and Real Estate Uncensored.


We start off with Josh sharing his background story. Right after college, Josh started working for an investment bank. He was working 9 to 5, making $31,000 and he felt like he wasn’t being challenged and wasn’t being mentored. He also knew that he wanted to get into real estate and buy some investment properties. So, in 2006 he decided to go all-in - he gave his two-week notice and started his real estate journey.   


We then moved on to discussing how Josh was able to grow his business, year after year, even during the market crash in 2008. He shares that growing up as the youngest of four, in a fairly competitive family, taught him to always be the hardest working guy in the room. His work ethic and his consistency allowed him to grow his business 50% to 100% each year, for the first six years. 


Together we then dive into discussing specific tactics that Josh uses in order to drive leads and how much it has changed in the last 15 years. Josh believes that the general idea is always going to be the same. Technology does change it up along the way, but the basic things stay the same. It’s all about building your database, adding value, and following up on leads. Another important part, according to Josh, is your mindset. Because, it doesn't matter how great your database is, or how much you want to sell a $5 million house, if your mindset around that isn't right, then you're not going to do it.


We then talk about Josh’s market predictions for the next 12-18 months. He believes that nothing is really going to change in 2021 when it comes to the real estate market. His prediction is that we've got several months of this market before it either softens or interest rates go up. 


Josh also shares some advice for any new realtors out there. According to him, the key to winning in today’s market is going back to basics. Building your database, doing open houses, and doubling down on the number of phone calls, handshakes and texts, compared to the market 5 or 10 years ago. The market is moving way too fast at the moment and the best thing for a new realtor might be to join a team for a couple of years and to learn as much as possible.   

Josh then goes on to share some advice for buyers as well. The most important thing for buyers right now is to sit down with a local agent and figure out what exactly is going on in the market at the moment. He also urges buyers to pick their agents carefully, to make sure that they get a full-time agent, a person who sees contracts and offers all the time, somebody that's got experience negotiating. 


Lastly, we dive more into the topic of interest rates. Josh believes that there's too much craziness going on in the world and in business right now, but that interest rates won’t experience any major changes this year. While keeping in mind that there are so many variables that go into it, interest rates are currently so artificially low that at some point we have to get back up to normal numbers.


Don’t miss this episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast with Josh Anderson and learn how to win as a realtor in today’s market by going back to basics!

Notable Quotes:


“I'd always wanted to get my real estate license because I wanted to buy some investment properties. And so I kind of just went all in. One day, I came into work and put in my two-week notice. That was my last normal paycheck.”

  • Josh Anderson


“I didn't really have any money starting out, so I had to be successful.”

  • Josh Anderson


“I'm not the smartest guy in the room but I will outwork anybody if it's something that I want.”

  • Josh Anderson


“If you're the smartest person in the room, you're probably in the wrong room.”

  • Josh Anderson


“It's the never stopping, getting out there, and showing up every day. That's the mindset that really makes a difference.”

  • Mike Simmons


“The most successful people in every industry are really great at consistency.”

  • Josh Anderson


“When it doesn't work the first 10 times you do it, you have to be willing to do it the 11th time.”

  • Josh Anderson


“I did 23 deals my first year in the business. This past year, we did 255 for about 130 million dollars in volume.”

  • Josh Anderson


“Having listings controls the business.”

  • Josh Anderson


“I literally follow up with people until they buy or die.”

  • Josh Anderson


“In this market, as a buyer or a seller, you're either all in or you're on the sidelines.”

  • Josh Anderson


“People do business with people they know, like, and trust. I don't think that ever changes.”

  • Josh Anderson


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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months