Lead Generation and Becoming an Authority Online with Lyndsay Phillips

My guest in today’s episode is Lyndsay Phillips. Lyndsay is the CEO and Captain of Smooth Sailing Business Growth. She is your content marketing strategic partner, a serial entrepreneur, and also proud owner of Smooth Business Podcasting & Real Estate Investors Marketing. Lyndsay has been featured on MSN, NBC, Fox, published in Huffington Post, and has been a guest on John Lee Dumas’s “Entrepreneurs On Fire” and Joe Fairless’ “Best Real Estate Investing Podcast Ever.” She loves helping entrepreneurs build their authority and increase visibility through the power of podcasting with her full-service podcasting and content marketing services.


We first talk about Lyndsay’s background story and how she got into marketing. As a mom who could work only part-time, Lyndsay started out as a virtual assistant to one of her friends. As her client list grew, she started getting more real-estate clients and decided to niche down her business and change her business model. She quickly realized that marketing agencies don’t really understand the perspective of real-estate investors and decided to focus more on content marketing. 


We then moved on to talking about some of the practical things that you can do today to help you with your leads. Lyndsay shares that the first thing you should do is make sure that you are showing yourself authentically on your website and that your messaging is very clear on who you're speaking to and who your avatar is. This will help your potential clients connect with you in a way that will allow you to turn your leads into your clients. 


Together we then dive into discussing whether or not social media is a good place to generate leads. Lyndsay explains that in today’s online world it is all about relationships. Engaging with people, commenting, being in various online groups, and simply offering value and being “on the ground” will get you much further than Facebook ads. There is a sea of that out there and it is overwhelming, so you need to set yourself apart as an authority, as a go-to person that people want to engage with. 


Lastly, we discuss the type of marketing Lyndsay provides for her client and her specific superpower.  Lyndsay is an expert in helping people establish themselves as an authority. She believes that you need to have a consistent brand, a consistent message, and be consistent on social media if you want your business to grow. She explains different ways in which you can repurpose your content in order to uplevel your authority, and also why you need to have a simple sales funnel. 


Don’t miss this episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast that is filled with invaluable nuggets from Lyndsay Phillips on how to build your authority online in order to drive attention to your business and drive leads into your funnel!

Notable Quotes:

“When it comes to real estate investing, there are two things that have always been needed desperately and that have never changed: money and leads.”

  • Mike Simmons


“I believe in just diving in, even if you're freaking out.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


“I find that a lot of marketing companies are very focused on just online marketing or coaches. They're not quite understanding the perspective of a real estate investor.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


“Real estate investors are like sharks in the water: if there is somebody who we think can help us get more leads, we flock to it like a shark to blood.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Really leaning into yourself and who you're attracting in your messaging - that to me is like half of the equation.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


“If you're talking to everybody, you're talking to nobody.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Everyone's sort of struggling to figure out social media and how to apply that to lead generation.”

  • Mike Simmons


“To me, the secret sauce nowadays is really setting yourself apart as an authority.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


“There are different ways to elevate your authority platform so that you're setting yourself apart as the go-to person, and you're not lost in the sea of everybody else.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


“Talking to people is always going to be more valuable than blasting ads.”

  • Mike Simmons


“You need to have a consistent brand, a consistent message, and consistent social media.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


“You're showing that you're everywhere and that you're giving information, and that's gonna uplevel your authority.”

  • Lyndsay Phillips


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