MMA Fighter Who Found Success in Real Estate

For this episode, I welcome a former MMA fighter and current real estate agent, Tim Stout. Tim is a super successful and highly-awarded real estate agent in Georgia who uses innovative marketing methods to win over customers. He is the owner and operator of Tim Stout and Associates. His team of experts represents the best and brightest in the industry, and they are always striving to lead the field in research, innovation, and consumer education.


Tim first shares his background story. Growing up in a small town, he started boxing when he was a kid and after dropping out of high school, he decided that he wanted to become a professional MMA fighter. During his MMA career, he met his wife and got married. He explains how after he got married, he lost the desire “to hurt people” and decided to retire from the MMA world.


We then moved on to discussing how Tim transitioned from being an MMA fighter to being a full-time real estate agent. After retiring from the octagon, Tim decided that his next career would be in sales, and very soon he realized that it should be in real estate. His initial plan was to sell one house a month, but he ended up selling 16 houses in his first 7 months.


Together we then dive into discussing what fueled Tim’s interest in investing and what part of investing applied most to him. He is a buy-and-hold investor and believes that every real estate agent who is not investing in real estate is missing out on a great opportunity. Tim’s portfolio consists of fourteen doors, an office building, and his personal property. He shares that investing in real estate has allowed him to accumulate a decent net worth. 


Tim also shares his short-term and long-term goals when it comes to real estate. His short-term goal is to buy eight properties without spending any of his own money and he already has three of them. His long-term goal is to be making $50,000 - $75,000 a month. We then talk about Tim’s motivation and what keeps him going forward. His main motivation is his family, and he wants to be able to create more for them. He is also motivated by the agents he gets to create and work with. Currently, he has around twenty people on his team, whom he introduced to real estate investing so that they are able to create a better life for themselves and their families. 


Eventually, Tim talks about the books that had the biggest impact on him and changed his life. His number one recommendation, which comes as no surprise, is Rich Dad Poor Dad. His other recommendations include Start with Why by Simon Sinek,  and Never Split the Difference with Chris Voss. Tim believes that leaders are readers and when you stop educating yourself you are giving somebody else an advantage in your market


Lastly, Tim shares his view of the real estate market in the midst of the pandemic. He believes that the market is going to have to even out eventually and that the changes that are happening won't be enough to upset the market, because we are at such a deficit, nationally.


Don’t miss this episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast with Tim Stout, who after retiring from MMA, approaches his career as a real estate agent from a standpoint of helping people!

Notable Quotes:


“I've always been the hardest worker in the room. I've always done more than everybody else.”

  • Tim Stout


“I texted my wife at that second - ‘I'm gonna sell real estate.’”

  • Tim Stout


“In the first six to eight months, I sold like sixteen houses. ”

  • Tim Stout


“When you buy $100,000 in stock, you spend $100,000. I can buy $100,000 in real estate, and pay $20,000.”

  • Tim Stout


“The best way to invest in commercial is to be your own tenant, so you don't have to worry about vacancies.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Real estate is so forgiving. It's okay to make a bad decision, it's okay to overpay for a property if you're making cash flow.”

  • Tim Stout


“I think the biggest risk in life is risking regretting when you're old and it's too late.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Regret is the only emotion that you can’t do anything about.”

  • Tim Stout


“People who are high achievers, almost always, are consumers of books. Whether it's audio or whether they are reading it, it's all about education. All successful people I know put a huge value on education in whatever form.”

  • Mike Simmons


“When you quit educating yourself, you're giving somebody else an advantage in your market.”

  • Tim Stout


“If you have a team of people who all completely embrace that philosophy and all of them refuse to blame anybody, will take responsibility for anything that goes wrong, and fix it, there's no stopping that team.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Having a leader that is willing to take responsibility and truly believes that they are at fault for what goes on in their organization is not only good leadership but also makes the people that work for and with them very, very loyal.”

  • Mike Simmons


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Rich Dad Poor Dad

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

June Multifamily Event

7 Figure Flipping

Return on Investments

Just Start Real Estate

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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months