Building a Millionaire Mindset with Johnny Wimbrey

For this episode, I am excited to welcome Johnny Wimbrey, an internationally-acclaimed talk show host, #1 best-selling author, and motivational speaker whose charismatic nature inspires everyone from inner-city youth to corporate moguls and celebrities. Author and writer of the best-selling book, From the Hood to Doing Good, Johnny has just released his new book, Building a Millionaire Mindset: How to Use the Pillars of Entrepreneurship to Gain, Maintain, and Sustain Long-Lasting Wealth. Johnny Wimbrey expounds on critical concepts in his book and also shares his incredible rags-to-riches story with us in this powerful interview.


Johnny introduces himself and shares his personal and professional history. He describes his rough past and run-ins with the law, noting how this affected his ability to get a job since it deterred companies from hiring him. 


Talking about his book, Building a Millionaire Mindset, Johnny points out how it focuses on the mindset regarding wealth, describing that he wrote it like he was writing to teach his descendants how to keep making wealth. He strongly recommends the book for first-generation millionaires as it explains the impact of your inner voice on your success and the success of your children.


We discuss the need to walk away from negative or harmful situations that you may encounter in life. This is done by exercising your mental muscle, the muscle of being able to walk away from controversy and acting as if you have something to lose. Mike also explains the importance of a successful mindset over being spoon-fed with tactics or methods. Johnny agrees that the inheritance for his kids is not his money but the principles to manage the money.


Johnny narrates the experience of trying to turn his life around, what he characterizes as participating in your own rescue. He describes his work as a temporary insurance agent and trying to get his license during this time. He details the many failures along the way, and the persistent effort he put at each point of failing, taking part in rescuing himself from the impending demise that would have been a fallout of his previous actions. 


Johnny explains the importance of having a mentor to hold you accountable for actions taken and how dangerous it can be to not have another person’s council. A mentor can't just be a cheerleader as they are supposed to shake you up and help you make real change in your life. Johnny stressed that you can't mentor anybody unless you have a genuine interest to see them level up in life.


I asked Johnny to describe what he means by being busy versus being productive. He said when people equate this to be the same thing it is a huge lie. Being productive requires intention and direction. If someone takes a step towards something and it has nothing to do with their goal, even if it is helpful in another area, it cannot be considered as truly productive in regard to what they have said is important to them. Additionally, if being busy doesn't mean being productive, it follows that you can be productive without constantly being busy.


We also discussed how adopting someone else's mentality wholesale should not your reality. In every industry there are influencers and you have to be able to discern between voices that are in line with your goals and voices of disruption. How people around you see the world should not affect you and you have to break out of such a mindset. Johnny points out that a friend is a person, place, or thing that's going to push you towards your goals while a foe is a person, place, or thing that's going to pull you away from your goals. You can't allow someone else's thinking to become your reality because if you do, it could change the DNA that you were designed to put out in this lifetime.


Johnny’s book is filled with actionable steps and instructions to provide the reader an opportunity to live each experience that goes beyond the written words. You will not want to miss this powerful interview on the Just Start Real Estate Podcast with popular influencer and successful businessman, Johnny Wimbrey!

Notable Quotes:


"My story is basically this: where you come from doesn't have to dictate where you're going, your past doesn't have to determine your future."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"It's just amazing what abundance some people start with and not appreciate how much farther ahead they actually started."

  • Mike Simmons


"The bottom line is, what voice are you going to entertain the most? That is the reality you are going to manifest."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"How do you develop muscles if you're not forced to lift anything?"

  • Mike Simmons


"We are not raising 'try' babies. We are raising 'do' babies"

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"One of the worst things you can do to someone is to give them something they didn't earn or have no idea what to do with."

  • Mike Simmons


"If I give you fish, I rescued you. If I teach you how to fish, you rescued yourself."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"You can't mentor someone unless you have a genuine interest to see them level up in life."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"You don't need permission to create accountability."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"Taking risks takes a moment, but not taking that risk becomes a lifestyle that leads to regret."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


"You either do or you don't."

  • Johnny Wimbrey


From the Hood to Doing Good

Building a Millionaire Mindset

Johnny’s Website

Mike’s FREE Coaching

7 Figure Flipping

Return on Investments

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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months