Business Book Publishing - Why You Should Write a Book

Today, I am very excited to interview Mario Fachini, who is the Founder and CEO of Mario Fachini Consulting and is a sought-after motivational speaker, author, and marketing trainer. He is also the Founder and CEO of Freedom Platform Wordpress Website Builder, and the popular podcast host of The Expert Authority Effect Interviews. Mario helps to educate other marketers through coaching and training on how to start up successful marketing companies of their own and attract clients by using systems and leverage. Mario discusses the numerous advantages of publishing your own book, entrepreneurship and how to become successful at it, and why you should always strive to be the best at your field of business.


Mario first shares his thoughts on whether entrepreneurs are born or made. He says it's a personal choice. Mario shares his background story and explains how he's done all he could to make money, including power-washing, painting, lawn maintenance, and care, all since the age of twelve years old. Mario's parents gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted as long as he paid for it. That has helped him always strive for more and enjoy great success in both his business and personal life.


Mario then talks about his continually changing dreams and ambitions in life. He initially wanted to be a doctor when in grade school, an FBI or CIA agent in middle school, and in high school, he wanted to become a lawyer. Mario discusses how college was the denial stage for him. At twenty-five years old, after becoming a lawyer, he continues to explore different projects such as producing commercials, music videos, and video content for people as part of their marketing strategy. 


Mario says you get to choose what you want and whom you want to attract. He makes us realize that there are endless things we can do in life if we wish to. He shares why publishing a book is way easier than doing a podcast and is more effective than printing business cards to share with clients. People want to know the real you so that they can connect with you and writing a book is perhaps the most effective way of doing that.


We discuss why it is imperative to strive to be an expert at what you're doing. It is important to surround yourself with people who are further along in their business journey so that you have them to look to as role models and have something to strive toward. Continuously expanding and refining your knowledge is essential to growing your business!


We also dive deeper into marketing and promotion and learn why it is paramount for scaling your business. Mario discusses the kind of books he has written, such as business books, specific nonfiction books, and business books distinct to help people with generating profit, finding leads, networking, and growing their businesses.


Don’t miss this super interesting conversation with marketing expert, Mario Fachini! The Just Start Real Estate Podcast continues to deliver excellent content to help all of its listeners start, grow, and scale their businesses in order to achieve financial freedom… join us today!

Notable Quotes:


“There's something you have that you can lead with right now in marketing. You don't need to do anything else or refine it - just lead with what you have and grow and enjoy the journey over the next six to twelve months.”

  • Mario Fachini


“I was turning everyone into clients because it was easy. And I knew they wanted to be on this ride.”

  • Mario Fachini


You get to choose what you want and who you want to attract.”

  • Mario Fachini


“But the whole ‘should I get a job or start a company’ thing? I think that is a very personal choice.”

  • Mario Fachini


“For every minute someone puts into marketing, it's going to amplify it at least 10 times over. ”

  • Mario Fachini


“Everyone has business cards, anyone can talk a good game, but not many people put the time and effort into whatever they are passionate about.”

  • Mike Simmons


“People don't want to do business with corporations and entities. They want to do it with people. Show them your person.”

  • Mario Fachini


“I don't think any of us have a problem being critical of ourselves.”

  • Mario Fachini


“The point is, you get to choose what you want and who you want to attract.“

  • Mario Fachini


“On the business aside, it's like, ‘what are we doing here?’ It is important to serve and be in community with each other. “

  • Mario Fachini


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