Championship Leadership with Nate Bailey

Today, I welcome Nate Bailey to the Just Start Real Estate Podcast. Nate is a successful entrepreneur having built multiple businesses in the areas of insurance and real estate. He is the bestselling author of three books including the 100 Mile Mindset: Discover the Power of Being Your Word. Nate is a former US Army Lieutenant, popular speaker, and coach.


As always, I like to start by going into my guests' backgrounds to understand their journey and how it led them to do what they do now. Nate tells me about his days in school and how he used to enjoy getting pulled out of class to listen to various speakers, always thinking that that is something he wouldn’t mind doing. After college, he joined the army, then started an insurance business before transitioning to being a speaker and coach full-time.


We then discuss the role of sports in his early life and how it contributed to his success by instilling discipline and encouraging the “dust yourself off and get back up” mentality. Nate then shares how he transitioned from high school into the army, which he loved more for the camaraderie rather than the military life.


In 2004 Nate then started an insurance business while he was in the National Guard and began his journey into real estate investing in 2010. He shares how he had been wanting to do this earlier, but fear and procrastination held him back. Nate explains that after his first deal was done he built a portfolio rather quickly. We then discuss the opportunity economic downturn brings, since 2010 had been a great year for Nate to start investing in property.


We then discuss the sale of his insurance business and what inspired him to transition to speaking and coaching. Nate shares that while his business was successful, he didn’t feel inspired by it. He had always wanted to make an impact on people’s lives and that’s how he decided to move into the field of coaching over a period of 2-3 years. Nate shares that the main themes in his speaking and coaching business revolve around mindset and Championship Leadership. Being a great leader for him means to lead yourself first.


We then divide into discussing the winning mindset and how we can create one for ourselves. Here Nate shares some gold nuggets from his experience of doing the 100 mile run. Nate shares how important it is to put yourself into difficult situations to grow and he also tells us a little more about his in-person event. Nate also attributes his success to surrounding himself with other people that are successful and I couldn’t agree more that positive peer pressure helps you to grow.


We then discuss the power of being your word and here Nate explains his concept of the integrity bank and the importance of following through with what you say you’re going to do and just how powerful this is.


Nate then shares his philosophy of life, which is just beautiful. Nate explains that most people just think of a legacy of something that they’re leaving behind, he however believes that the key lies in living your legacy, which is an amazing shift in thinking! 


This is an incredibly powerful and motivating episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast that you do not want to miss with Championship Leadership’s Nate Bailey! 

Notable Quotes:


“What’s required to be a great athlete, the work, the discipline, the dedication, the commitment, wanting to win - there are so many things that I’ve drawn from athletics that have helped me to be successful in life.”

 - Nate Bailey


“The best thing about the military that I really loved was the people and the camaraderie. I wasn’t necessarily in love with military life.”

 - Nate Bailey


“After I bought my first investment property, I ended up buying three more in a matter of months.”

- Nate Bailey


“I knew this was something I always wanted to do, but there was always this apprehension, this fear of not knowing how to do it.”

- Nate Bailey


“My previous job did not fire me up. It did not get me excited in the morning.”

- Nate Bailey


“You have to put yourself in difficult situations to create a mentally tough mindset.”

- Nate Bailey


“Everything is positive reinforcement right now and that makes us a little soft.”

- Nate Bailey


“Peer pressure isn’t necessarily negative, it just depends on what the environment is. If you put yourself around the right people, the peer pressure is to be excellent.”

- Mike Simmons


“The integrity bank is all about the power of being your word.”

- Nate Bailey


“You can only withdraw so much from the integrity bank until there is a negative balance.”

- Nate Bailey


“It’s powerful to have those kinds of people in your life, the ones that give you their word and you know it’s a done deal.”

- Mike Simmons


“If you live a legacy, you’re going to leave one.”

- Nate Bailey


Podcast: Championship Leadership 

Nate's Website

Free E-Book: 100 Mile Mindset

Return on Investments

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