What to Expect from FHL 2020 - My Interview on the Flipping Junkie Podcast

This is going to be kind of a different episode today as I present my recent interview with my friend, Danny Johnson, on his show, the Flipping Junkie Podcast. Danny wanted to have me on specifically to talk about Flip Hacking Live and what attendees of this event could expect. In the interview, I share my own experiences with being involved with this event and the benefits of making the investment to attend, namely, how to move the needle in your real estate investing business.


Danny started off by asking me to share my background and how I got into the real estate investing business. I stressed how vital it was for my business and personal growth to join the 7 Figure Flipping Mastermind group. The same year I joined, they decided to start holding an annual event, utilizing some of their most successful members as speakers in order to help real estate investors grow their businesses. I really want people to understand that these investors have nothing to sell and are giving the participants the “meat and potatoes” of their strategies without having to pay for anything beyond the cost of admission.


The speakers at Flip Hacking live cover subjects such as how to talk to sellers, how to find deals, different types of creative financing, marketing ideas that really help people set themselves apart, running a business remotely, and so much more. All of the concepts presented can be applied to a person’s individual situation and business no matter what scale they are at or what their goals are.


I have talked to dozens of investors and most everyone feels that we are headed into some kind of a dip in the housing market, most likely moving into more of a buyer’s market. My presentation at this years Flip Hacking Live is titled, “What I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me During the Last Downturn,” and I am going to speak about all of the things I wish I would have known when I started in this business during the last difficult housing market.


Flip Hacking Live is not an ordinary three-day webinar. There are going to be breakout sessions, one-on-one coaching, networking sessions, so it is going to be very interactive. The majority of the speakers are pure real estate investors, but we will also have some big-name, keynote speakers that are incredibly motivational and inspire us to be better people.


This is the first time that we have held Flip Hacking Live as a virtual event and I wanted to talk about all benefits of doing it this way. First of all, you aren’t going to be worrying about being in a big group, shaking hands, and being less than social distanced from other participants. You don’t need to pay for plane tickets, a hotel room for several days, or restaurant meals, so there is a significant cost saving there. You can sit in your office or at home and completely immerse yourself in the experience. I promise you we will not expect you to sit and listen to speaker after speaker as there will be different sessions and it will be super interactive. Again, this is not a standard webinar. The speakers are all flying to a location and will be on stage during their presentations so it is going to be as Flip Hacking Live-like as possible!


 In the spirit of my talk this year, if I could go back and tell my younger self one thing, it would be “Make the investment and go to Flip Hacking Live!” I hope everyone listening will join us this year on October 15th, 16th, and 17th! We are offering access to all of the past event talks when you get your ticket by visiting FlipHackingLive.com, promo code, Danny!

Notable Quotes:


“It was just horsepower getting me through deals.”


  • Mike Simmons



“I was really stumped on how to scale beyond where I was so I finally broke down and joined a mastermind group.”


  • Mike Simmons



“When you surround yourself with people who have moved beyond your thinking and have done bigger and better things, it opens your mind to what you didn’t know and what you could be doing in your business to get better.”


  • Mike Simmons



“Wherever you are, you can get better.”


  • Mike Simmons



“Why don’t we take some of our most successful members, put them on stage, and have them lay out, from end to end, specifically what they are doing in their business that is working for them?”


  • Mike Simmons



“The speakers are just there to give you the playbook for what they do best.”


  • Mike Simmons



“When you are around people that have a giving spirit, like people in the 7 Figure Flipping  organization, it is amazing what you can take away from an event like this.”


  • Mike Simmons



“Because the mastermind did so much for me, I felt like I wanted to be involved in Flip Hacking Live because I want to help people.”


  • Mike Simmons


“I’ve seen the transformation enough to know it is real.”


  • Mike Simmons



“It is not possible to go to Flip Hacking Live and not learn something.”


  • Mike Simmons



Flip Hacking Live 

Flipping Junkie Podcast

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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months