FHL 2018 - Adam Rae - Replacing & Capturing Your Income Through Rentals

I have for you today an awesome, handpicked presentation. These are like the best of the best presentations that we had at past Flip Hacking Live and I just want to show you what you are missing out on if you are not going. If you are going, it is something to look forward to because I have a presentation today that my friend, Adam Rae, did a couple of years ago and it is all about wealth accumulation, wealth building, and creating a life inside of real estate that gives you the opportunity to live the life that you really want with freedom of time, financial freedom, and how to go about doing that. He gets into a little bit of tax stuff and things like that so it is really good, solid information that you can actually utilize right away.


This is why I am bringing you these presentations as part of our Flip Hacking Live Rewind Series. Most of these have not been released to the public or given away for free - usually, you have to pay to get the presentation recordings. I am giving them to you free because I really want you to understand what goes on at this event! If you haven’t gotten your tickets, you can grab them at the link below! Go grab your tickets, but in the meantime, check out this presentation from 2018 which is absolutely applicable today. As a matter of fact, it might be even more applicable now than it was then! Check it out, get ready to take notes… this one is awesome!

Notable Quotes:


“Why are we all here? Why does it matter?”


“All models are wrong; some are useful.”


  • George E. P. Box



“You actually have to do the work to apply some of the principles and work it out with your values, your life, your business.”


“I think you need to back up and define what wealth is for you.”


“What you are seeing online is a very curated view of what someone else considers what wealth is.”


“It’s not about the money for me, it’s about the time.”


“Passive income is mailbox money - it is going to pay you regardless if you show up or not.”


“Don’t mistake assets for passive income.”


“The purpose of wealth-building is to buy back time.”


“How incredible is the wealth in this room when we not only get to bring money in but it is about sending it out to work for the people that we love.”


“I have been in other groups, but I don’t know another group that has the character, the values, the camaraderie, and the transparency.”


“It’s about growing as people on a long journey to wealth so that we can all achieve and be the people we were made to be.”


“The real estate professional piece [of the tax code] is where it gets really sexy.”




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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months