FHL 2019 - Tyler Jensen - 7 Day Flip

Today, I have another great presentation from a past Flip Hacking Live in our Thursday Flip Hacking Live Rewind series where I share a little glimpse of what you can expect to experience at this event. If you already went ahead and got your ticket, you are going to love it and I am just going to prove it to you by showing you past events; people who spoke, people who will be speaking again this year so you can see the value before you even show up. If you haven’t gotten your tickets, go grab them! Today, I have Tyler Jensen’s presentation from last year and it is powerful and awesome! If you don’t know who Tyler is, he is a friend of mine who is making a name for himself right now because he is doing 7 Day Flips. That’s right - he is doing full renovation flips in 7 days or less! We are talking about $40,000 renovations, not just minor stuff. It is amazing, especially for those of us who take weeks or months or even a year to do renovations, Tyler is doing it in 7 days. Listen, even if you think that 7 days is just not realistic for you, what if you could just cut your renovation time in half? Imagine how much more productive you would be, imagine how much money you could save on holding costs and all that stuff.


This is a presentation you should really be excited about! Tyler is going to be at Flip Hacking Live again this year, but you will want to listen to this and be ready to take notes because he gives great tips and opens up the playbook on how to flip a house in 7 days.

Notable Quotes:


“You get to choose whether today is the best day ever.”


“I’m here to build castles, not fight dragons.”


“Small questions yield small answers.”


“Money is made in efficiency.”


“Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”


  • Parkinson’s Law



“Our biggest takeaway is planning and people. We had to have both.”


“The battle is no time to sharpen your sword.”


“You can’t soar like an eagle if you hang out with turkeys.”


“I was born for this.”


Flip Hacking Live

7 Figure Flipping

Tyler’s Website

ABC Offer

Return on Investments

Just Start Real Estate

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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months