FHL 2017 - Andy McFarland - 25 Deals a Month and Over $4M in Revenue

The first Thursday installment of Just Start Real Estate in several years features someone I am really proud to call a friend and who has had more influence over my real estate growth in the last five years than any other human being on Planet Earth. That is because he is someone who is not only highly successful, but he also does it the right way as he is a good person. He is someone I look up to and look to as a mentor. He has been on the show before, his name is Andy McFarland, and he did a presentation at a past Flip Hacking Live which is as true now as it was in 2017. It is a presentation I have listened to more than once and it is one that I think listeners will go back to and revisit again and again. Andy gets into what he calls “blocking and tackling,” which is a term for getting back to the basics. He explains what it is that makes your company strong and in a position to scale, as opposed to throwing a bunch of new-fangled things at it. For real estate investors, “blocking and tackling” is leads and conversions. Andy dives deep into this subject matter and also talks about preparation, pre-work before appointments, and hiring. At the end of the presentation, Andy also has a Q&A session, handling questions from the audience.


This is an incredibly powerful presentation, one that I listen to any time I feel my business has gotten off-track a bit. Don’t miss this opportunity to get a sneak peek into Flip Hacking Live and a small piece of what this event has to offer with this talk by Andy McFarland!

Notable Quotes:


“All of us here in America have huge, limitless opportunities.”


“We all have a pot of gold here by virtue of the fact that we live in the United States.”


“In every man there is something wherein I may learn of him, and in that, I am his pupil.”


  • Ralph Waldo Emerson



“You have permission to be bigger.”


“Not all success is measured in numbers.”


“The secret to success is there is no secret. It is the basics - blocking and tackling.”


  • Chris Gardner



“Do what others are unwilling to do.”


“If you are not answering your phone and are spending money on marketing, you are wasting your money.”


“The key is preparation.”


“Always continue your education.”


“Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to prepare?”


“Discover your truth about that property.”


“We can’t see something we don’t believe in.”


“Show up on time.”


“Be real. Build rapport. Listen.”


“It is 90% preparation.”


“You need to be able to get things done through other people.”


Flip Hacking Live

7 Figure Flipping

Andy’s Website

ABC Offer

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Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months