Real Estate, Self-Improvement, and Creating a Great Life with Rock Thomas

In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with best-selling author, popular podcaster, and motivational speaker, Rock Thomas. Rock is also the host of the #IAmMovement Podcast. From farm boy to real estate and business guru, mentor, and self-made millionaire, Rock has studied one-on-one with the world’s best teachers such as Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, and Gary Keller on his mission to inspire others to create their best life, on their terms.


After decades of learning from the greatest minds on the planet, working with and coaching thousands of people in his workshops and webinars, Rock now spends his time teaching people how to be financially free and truly happy on their terms whether they work for themselves or others.


We began by talking about Rock’s early adulthood and what lead him to his current success. He talked about the incredible range of various jobs that he did, relocating to take care of his ailing father, and then finally, the opportunity to get into real estate by buying a RE/MAX franchise. I also asked him about his childhood and Rock shared the lessons he learned through growing up in a big family on a farm.


We discussed how our upbringing can both diminish and fuel us to be successful. Rock was so open about how the way he was brought up challenged his sense of worth but also drove him to be a better person. He continues to struggle with a sense of belonging but has worked very hard to overcome these adversities, even though he knows they made him strong and resourceful.


We talked about the mastermind groups that Rock has been a part of: GoBundance was created for men who choose to live bigger and more fulfilled lives of impact. It's a framework to strengthen your journey in becoming a better man, husband, father, friend, and entrepreneur. It's the place men come together to live EPIC lives; and M1, a community of positive, energetic people to help people march toward financial freedom.


I then asked Rock to tell us how he organizes his day for success. He loves to start his day with yoga, and then at the beginning of the week, he spends most of his time with podcasts, sales training, basically online, virtual-world tasks. He works Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and then takes the rest of the week off. For Rock, the most important things are to be spending his time doing what he loves with the people he loves. We talked about health and wellness, working out, and eating right, with Rock sharing some of his personal tips. 


I asked Rock about the time after he sold his RE/MAX franchises and went on a personal quest for wellness and what that looked like. He talked about discovering the Ultimate Edge program by Tony Robbins and getting more focused on living his true values. Rock talked about being a passionately curious student with some of the biggest names in the self-help industry.  


We then talked about the books that Rock has written and what motivated him to write them. He talked about experiences from his youth that labeled him and the efforts to change his thinking to transform his life. Rock gives us so much wisdom that he has learned through his many life and business experiences.


I hope you will join me as I talk with uber-successful entrepreneur, Rock Thomas! This was an incredibly open, honest, and motivating interview that will shift your mindset and change your life.

Notable Quotes:


“I started doing things my own way and that is the longest way to learn.” 


  • Rock Thomas



“It got me focused, man - I was dialed in, I was paying attention.” 


  • Rock Thomas



“Sometimes people underestimate the power of fear. Nothing will make you focus like being afraid.”


  • Mike Simmons



“Your net worth will never go up more than your self-worth.”


  • Rock Thomas



“Every day I got up and before I served any of my clients, I went and got new ones.”


  • Rock Thomas



“It is the life-blood, what is feeding your business.”


  • Mike Simmons



“The greatest gift I got was learning how to be incredibly resourceful.”


  • Rock Thomas



I ‘Macgyver-ed’ it - you use what is available around you.”


  • Rock Thomas



“To me, there is always a path, always a way.”


  • Rock Thomas



“I learned that mindset, growing up on a farm, which is incredibly valuable.”


  • Rock Thomas



“To make excuses and look for reasons why things won’t work is not my playbook.”


  • Rock Thomas



“I created a mastermind, a group of men, just so that I could belong to my own group.”


  • Rock Thomas



“I’m the CD, you are the MP3. You take the best from me and your mother and you become a better version.”


  • Rock Thomas, to his kids



“The intention and the lessons were sound, even if the delivery was somewhat lacking.”


  • Mike Simmons



“Do what is easy and life will be hard; do what is hard and life will be easy.”


  • Rock Thomas



“For every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards.”


  • Rock Thomas



“What are other ways that you can meet your levels of fulfillment without damaging your body?”


  • Rock Thomas



“What you focus on creates feeling.”


  • Rock Thomas



“When you learn something, apply it, integrate it.”


  • Rock Thomas’ father



“I wasn’t starting the engine, I was just putting gas in the car.”


  • Mike Simmons



“My ability to capture the essence of what I learn and apply it at a level of mastery is what separates me from the average person.”


  • Rock Thomas



“You can change any label through repetition.”


  • Rock Thomas’ mentor



“You are responsible for your inner narrative.”


  • Rock Thomas



“If you are bathing in the cesspool of mediocrity that the media is offering you, you are probably going to feel like sh&t.”


  • Rock Thomas



“The obstacles that are going to appear are all designed to grow you personally.”


  • Rock Thomas



“Work diligently to get to a place where you have time-freedom so you can do the stuff that really matters.”


  • Rock Thomas



Flip Hacking Live

GoBundance Mastermind

M1 Mastermind

7FF Live Event

Awaken the Giant Within

Ultimate Edge Program

The Power of Your Identity: The Secret to Creating Lasting Change  

Your Epic Life Blueprint: Quit the Rat Race and Create a Happier Life!

Rock Thomas’ Website

Rock Thomas on Facebook

Rock Thomas on Instagram

Return on Investments

Just Start Real Estate

JSRE on Facebook

Mike on Facebook

Mike on Instagram

Mike on LinkedIn

Mike on Twitter

Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months