$900,000 in Revenue and 90 Deals by the Age of 20

In this episode, I interviewed Will Brown, who is a 20-year-old real estate investor and tech entrepreneur who dropped out of college in May of 2018. Since then, he has run and built a team from scratch without any outside funds to go on and do over 90 deals and $900,000 in assignment fees in less than 2 years. He has since handed the reins of the wholesaling business off to a partner and is 100% focused on building his AI tech startup in Los Angeles. He is massively into personal development and supports others in carving their own path and creating themselves into who they want to be.

Will began by summarizing what brought him to real estate. He and his mom attended a mastermind event in the Fall of 2016, but they didn’t have the money to invest, so that left a little bit of a bad taste in his mouth. In January 2017 he was playing a video game that let you buy and cash flow real estate, and he thought that learning about it for real would be a lot more interesting than sitting on his couch! His first google search on the subject led him to a BiggerPockets podcast, and there was no stopping him from there.

Will started investing by cold-calling off of a probate list and putting himself in the proximity of other real estate investors. He offered his services, in the case of his first deals, by installing security systems in order to learn from other investors. We discussed how you can’t start any kind of relationship by asking for what you need first. Will talked about the need to know your skill-set, and the willingness to work hard for someone else without concern about the outcome in order to learn and grow.

Will gave a detailed description of his first solo deal, and he describes the challenges he faced. He talked about the importance of having a great lawyer and how he managed different aspects of the deal that were new to him. He feels like he learned so much from this first deal and the mistakes they made will never be repeated.

Will described how they find their deals, and talks extensively about building a team. He hired an assistant in the Fall of 2018 and was able to scale his business exponentially because he was able to spend his time more effectively. It helped him so much to have someone to help him do the things he wasn’t particularly strong at.

Will provided the list of technology he currently uses to find deals and the listeners can find these links further down in these show notes. He speaks in-depth about his sales funnel and what he has found to most effectively convert leads to deals.

I asked Will to explain what he is involved in now and how he found a partner in order to run his real estate business. He talked about paying his partner really well in order to keep him and put him on a tiered commission schedule in order to entice him to stay. His partner is now running the real estate completely on his own with minimal interaction with Will.

Will is now completely invested in launching an artificial intelligence company in Los Angeles, which he conceived in a Cabo San Lucas hot tub while at a business mastermind event. His concept is grown from the question of how to provide resourcefulness to humanity because if you solve one problem, another is created. In order to address this, Will is working on creating AI personal assistants for people to help people in problem-solving and life balance.

You have to check out this super energized interview with up-and-coming entrepreneur, Will Brown. He gives a ton of great advice based on a solid foundation of respectable values, along with being an extremely entertaining interviewee.


Notable Quotes:


“Not to say, do this: step, step, step. But it gave me the inspiration of ‘Hey, this guy has done this before,’ and it kept adding proof that yes, this is possible.”

  • Will Brown


“I had the drive of setting up the blueprint of my life and laying out the foundation now, not only in acquiring assets but also learning to be a leader, learning to delegate, learning to fail forward, how do you do this, how do you do this... ”

  • Will Brown


“You’ve got to love the process. You know, all the crap you have to go through to get it. If you are focused on the results, you are not going to get it.”

  • Will Brown


“So what Will did is he basically decided he wanted to be around people who were doing real estate. And you offered your services, you offered to be of value to them. You didn’t say, ‘Show me how to do it, help me start my business, me, me, me.’ Instead, it was like, ‘what can I do for you?’ and then oh, by the way, I get to be around you when you do this.”

  • Mike Simmons


“Number one, you are going to be uber-successful. Not because of whatever result you create there, but because of that mindset. That you are willing to give and give and give and give without any expectation in return, but knowing that it comes back.”

  • Will Brown


“You had a problem and you figured it out. It’s like chess. It’s like, ‘Check’ and then you move out of that position and you clear the board a little bit.”

  • Mike Simmons


“People that try to do it themselves because they are in a scarcity mindset - you are not going to scale if you are just doing it yourself.”

  • Will Brown


“Once that shift happens and you get it so viscerally, you can’t go back. Because if I just went back to real estate, I would always be wondering what could be.”

  • Will Brown


Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months

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Will’s Website

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