Airbnb SEO expert turned entrepreneur


Do you need help investing in real estate? Do you understand how to grow, scale, and profitably build your company into the business that you want it to be? You’re in luck! I’ve been working for the past several years with some of the most successful real estate investors in the industry and from around the country. Names such as Andy McFarland and Bill Allen, along with myself, have built a program called “Seven Figure Flipping.” This exclusive mastermind and coaching program is designed to get you and your business to the next level. Interested in finding out more? Email me at [email protected] with the subject line “help,” and we’ll get on a call together to see if this program is a good fit for you and your business.

In this episode, I had the distinction of speaking to Tommy Griffith, who has worked at companies such as PayPal and Air b’n’b. He has been executing real estate search engine optimization for more than ten years. Tommy currently runs ClickMinded, a digital marketing training platform for marketers and entrepreneurs. Tommy started ClickMinded as a side project while working full-time at Airbnb and grew his new business until ClickMinded began to generate more revenue than his annual salary.

His journey started with the Four Hour Workweek in the realization he could work “off script” and start his business while working full-time. From reading this book, Tommy created an ebook and figured out how to get his book to the top of Google search engines. Tommy went into debt, creating a business that failed. He didn’t have the experience, passion, or capital to build his new business. As a result of this business experience, however, he learned SEO and internet marketing. 

He landed a job working SEO with PayPal in 2008 when SEO first landed on the internet scene. While working at PayPay, he started tinkering with side projects to pay off his debt from his failed enterprise. 

In 2011, Tommy had an idea for an iPhone app development lead generation website. After creating this platform, he failed to continue to have an interest in his project. Tommy emphasizes that you need to want to get out of bed and to be passionate about your work or project. 

When he joined Airbnb, the company was small, with under 50 employees. As his job came to a close, Air was hosting Beyonce for an event in a rental.

Listen in to find out the definition of exit velocity, learn how to build an unfair advantage, and why you should have connections when you move forward into a new business. What are the key components Tommy now uses when he builds a remote team? Learn how to find and hold onto your organization, including how to write your job description.

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