Dispositions role in my company -My FHL Presentation


Do you need help investing in real estate? Do you understand how to grow, scale, and profitably build your company into the business that you want it to be? You're in luck! I've been working for the past several years with some of the most successful real estate investors in the industry and from around the country. Names such as Andy McFarland and Bill Allen, along with myself, have built a program called "Seven Figure Flipping." This exclusive mastermind and coaching program is designed to get you and your business to the next level. Interested in finding out more? Email me at [email protected] with the subject line "help," and we'll get on a call together to see if this program is a good fit for you and your business.

In this episode, I'm publishing a recording of a presentation I gave at last year's Flip Hacking Live Event. In my presentation, I will describe the disposition process you can use in your business if you're a wholesaler to 10X your returns and profitability on every real estate deal you do!

First, I want to talk about mindset. Second, I'll show you effective strategies. Third, I'll tell you about the tools of the industry which you should have in your toolbox to make you a more effective wholesaler.

Do you know the role of a disposition manager? Their purpose is to take a contract and sell the contract to the end buyer. Disposition management is often an underserved part of the business. I'll talk about the "how" of the disposition manager. I'm very passionate about this position in real estate wholesale, as this can make or break your real estate deal. 

Targets are a great way to achieve and exceed your goals. There are moral and ethical ways to not only hit your target goal but to go past your goal and find out how much you can attain with the right tools. 

How much should you make for a fee? Avoid the "good enough" mindset. The parameters you give someone are the parameters they will work within their business. Aim high and create high parameters to reach and extend yourself and your team to create not just right, but excellent results. Remember, "time kills deals." You want to move fast with a sense of urgency to achieve our metrics.

Create a sincere rapport with sellers. Buyers' relationships should never create first look opportunities. Know the steps of building your buyers list, who you should call, and which buyers are not inside your price range. Above all, don't let your opinions get in the way of getting an excellent deal for your business. 

What should you put in your listing? Find out what you should have as a downloadable file, the location, perks of the neighborhood, and other descriptions to enhance the curb appeal of your listing.

Listen in to find out how many days you need to close, have your deposit in the bank, and close the deal on the home to make your process more effective and efficient. Find out what moves through the minds of landlords and how they price out their real estate. Who should be completing the pre-work for sales? When you shouldn't work with a buyer and when to and when not to show the home.

Links and Resources

Flip Hacking Live

Get in Touch with Mike at Just Start Real Estate


  • Get the 411 on upping your wholesaler game to 10X your returns as I recap my presentation at last year's Flip Hacking Live workshop. Did you know you can make money when you sell and buy? How can you make more money as a wholesaler? I'm going to show you how to use metrics and create goals for your real estate investment business. Learn the how-tos of the trade, which will benefit you as a business wholesaler and how to build your buyer's list. Which real estate ducks should you have in a row to make your process efficient to get the best price for your property.