How to Utilize Mentors to Launch Your Business with Omni Casey

Today's Guest: Omni Casey

Omni is a real estate investor, broker, and coach who has been in real estate for nearly 20 years. He is also a co-owner of New Leaf Redevelopers, with his wife and three kids, and Co-Author of THE CASH-FLOW BREAKFAST CLUB. His real estate career started in Hawaii, where he grew up, but for the last 10+ years, he and his family have been living in Northern Virginia, where he has actively been growing their real estate investment portfolio and a top-performing real estate team. His mission is to help others achieve their financial freedom, and he has coached hundreds of real estate investors and agents to create and execute a plan to grow their investment portfolios. Omni has recently been featured as a guest on the BiggerPockets Podcast, along with many other popular shows.


Highlights From The Show:

We begin the episode with Omni sharing his background story and how he ended up in real estate. Omni shares that he grew up in a very entrepreneurial family that had a few companies in construction. He knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur but didnā€™t know it would be in real estate. He ran several retail businesses prior to real estate, and just like many in the game, he was inspired to go down this path by the Rich Dad Poor Dad book. He sought mentors, coaches, and mastermindsā€™ guidance and started his real estate career in Waikiki as an investor and later became an agent. For the last 20 years, Omni has been pouring himself into real estate as an investor and broker. He is now located on the East coast, where his wife comes from, and they are investing all over the country.


We then talk about how Omni got his mentor and developed his learning processes to a point where he was ready to launch his business. He was looking for someone in real estate to be his mentor, and he found one of his customers who happened to be an experienced investor. The mentor looked for the pain points in his business and Omni offered to help and provided value by doing a lot of groundwork until he had enough experience and money to start his own investing. His mentor was doing multi-family, residential, and commercial investing, but he backtracked to smaller deals so that Omni could be involved. When it was time to do his own thing, he started with a realtor license to remove the roadblock of getting the right agent.


Next, we talk about how Omni started his investment journey. Omni shares that he and his mentor were investing heavily in condos and lightly in single-family homes in Waikiki. Once he had enough money and wanted to branch out to do his own thing, he couldnā€™t afford anything in Hawaii, so he had to find other markets. He started investing in single families and duplexes throughout the United States in the markets that met his budget. Omni tested many markets and bought properties in low-profile areas. He learned, and now he is in great areas and has been able to assemble good teams that are making his investments more passive for him. 


We then talk about Omni's strategy of finding and acquiring deals. According to Omni, his primary real estate strategy is buying and holding for the long term. They do the BRRRR strategy, but sometimes they do flips and wholesale properties they donā€™t want to keep in their portfolio. Omni shares that they rely heavily on wholesalers to find deals, and he has been overly committed to becoming their number one client. Last year turned out to be their best year. They do cash purchases, then refinance and use the BRRRR method to reposition financially to fix and wholesale properties they donā€™t like. 

Lastly, we talk about how he was able to purchase so many properties last year in a strong sellerā€™s market and his plan for the next five to ten years. He started coaching people on how to invest, and the number one complaint was that there were no deals, and he wanted to prove to them that there were deals. According to Omni, when people start to get nervous about buying, that is when he goes all in and makes his offers. Real estate has never let him down in his strategy of buying and holding long-term because it works in any market. Omni also shares that everything he is doing now is to educate his kids, the people he is coaching, and get into things that will stretch his comfort zone.

Make sure you donā€™t miss another amazing episode of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast with Omni Casey and get valuable information on how to utilize mentors to launch your business!

Notable Quotes:


ā€œItā€™s hard to find an agent that knows how to help an investor.ā€

  • Omni Casey


ā€œWhen you want to learn from someone who is doing it, donā€™t do it with a ā€˜tell me what I can doā€™ mindset. Look for their pain points and be a solution.ā€

  • Omni Casey


ā€œTaking action is the common denominator for every successful person in any industry. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect and just start.ā€

  • Mike Simmons 


ā€œBuying and holding properties for long-term works on any market, even in a strong seller's market.ā€œ

  • Omni Casey

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Resources and Links From Today's Show:

Omni Cash Flow Book

Omni on Instagram

Omni on Facebook 

Omni on YouTube

Rich Dad Poor Dad


More Resources From Mike: